


姓    名陈晶晶*
职    称副研究员                                
邮    箱jingjingchen@hfut.edu.cn
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  • 发表论文

    1. Jingjing Chen, Rongsheng Lu, Feinan Chen, et al. Cross-spectrally pure light, cross-spectrally pure fields and statistical similarity in electromagnetic fields. Journal of Modern Optics, 2014, 61(14):1164-1173. (IF:1.27)

    2. 陈晶晶, 陈斐楠, 李伽. 矢量场完全相干与偏振的内在关联. 光学学报, 2016 (10): 468-474. (EI)

    3. Jingjing Chen, Feinan Chen, Yanru Chen, Yu Xin, Yanming Shao, Qi Zhao. Polarization-induced coherence changes and conditions for the invariance of the spectral degree of coherence produced by an electromagnetic wave scattering on a collection of particles. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2013, 131: 66-71. (JCR2IF:3.19)

    4. Jingjing Chen, Yanru Chen, Feinan Chen, Yu Xin, Yongqing Wang, Qi Zhao, Muchun Zhou. Physical significance of complete coherence and complete polarization of random electromagnetic beams in the space-frequency domain. Optics and Laser Technology, 2013, 47(7): 596-599. (IF:1.616)

    5. Jingjing Chen, Feinan Chen, Yanru Chen, Yu Xin, Yongqing Wang, Qi Zhao, Muchun Zhou. Coherence properties of the scattered electromagnetic field generated by anisotropic quasi-homogeneous media. Optics Communications, 2012, 285(19): 3955-3960. (IF:1.438)

    6. Jingjing Chen, Yanru Chen, Feinan Chen, Qi Zhao. Generalized Stokes parameters of random electromagnetic Quasi-homogeneous beams on propagating. Optica Applicata, 2013, 43(2). (IF:0.541)

    7. 陈晶晶, 辛煜, 陈延如,陈斐楠,王勇清. 各向异性准均匀介质三维散射场相干特性研究. 光学学报, 2011, 31(12):1203001. (EI)

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