













 吕国强,教授,博士生导师。1983年于浙江大学获学士学位、1986年于浙江大学获硕士学位,200110月至200212月作为高级访问学者在奥地利维也纳工业大学计算机技术研究所合作研究。10余年来主持科研项目30余项,包括主持 “863”计划项目2项、“973”前期专项项目1项、xx重点研究项目若干项、其他省部级重点项目10余项。近10年来发表高水平学术论文50余篇;作为主要参加人完成专著1本;获得授权发明专利30余项。




     * 国家“863”计划项目:新型真三维立体显示方法及原理(072308A2)

     * 国家“863”计划项目:大尺寸液晶阀制备及快速驱动技术(2012AA011901-1)

     * 国家“973”前期专项:印制薄膜晶体管的基础研究及其在平板显示中的应用探索(2010CB334704)

     * 安徽省科技重大项目:真三维立体显示器工程样机(2012AKKG0416)

     * 广东省科技重大项目:新型三维立体显示关键技术研究及应用(2012QTKJ0387)

     * 国家发改委国家战略性新兴产业区域集聚发展试点项目:新型平板显示创新中心(JZ2014GFGK0444 )

     * 安徽省科技重大专项: 轻薄型全景航空显示装备(JZ2018AKKZ0319)

     * 安徽省科技重大专项: 大尺寸超高清液晶面板产品开发项目(JZ2017AKKZ0095)



  1. Xu Zhang, Kefeng Tu,Guoqiang Lv ,Zi Wang,and Qibin Feng., Fast Generation of 360-degree Cylindrical Photorealistic Hologram Using Ray-optics Based MethodsOptics Express2913),20632-206482021.

  2. Liming Zhu, Guoqiang Lv ,  Liye Xv, Zi Wang, and Qibin Feng., Performance Improvement for Compressive Light Field Display Based on the Depth Distribution Feature, Optics Express, 29 (14), 22403-22416, 2021.

  3. Piao Dai,Guoqiang Lv ,Zi Wang, Xu Zhang, Xin Gong, and Qibin Feng., Acceleration of Fully Computed Hologram Stereogram using Lookup Table and Wavefront Recording Plane Methods, Applied Optics, 60(7),1814-1820, 2021.

  4. Xu Zhang ,Guoqiang Lv , Zi Wang ,∗∗ Piao Dai , Dehua Li , Min Guo , Huili Xiao, and Qibin Feng., Holographic display system with enhanced viewing angle using boundary folding mirrors, Optics Communications, 482 (2021) 126580.

  1. Liming Zhu , Gang Du,Guoqiang Lv , Zi Wang , and Qibin Feng.,Performance improvement for compressive light field display with multi-plane projection. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 142 (2021) 106609.

  1. Z. Wang, X. Zhang,Guoqiang Lv ,  Q. Feng, H. Ming, and A. Wang, "Hybrid holographic Maxwellian near-eye display based on spherical wave and plane wave reconstruction for augmented reality display," Opt. Express 29, 4927-4935 (2021)

  2. Z. Wang,L. M. Zhu, X. Zhang, P. Dai,Guoqiang Lv ,Q. B. Feng, A. T. Wang, and H. Ming, "Computer-generated photorealistic hologram using ray-wavefront conversion based on the additive compressive light field approach," Opt. Lett. 45(3), 615-618 (2020)

  3. Z. Wang,Guoqiang Lv ,Q. Feng, A. Wang, and H. Ming, "Enhanced resolution of holographic stereograms by moving or diffusing a virtual pinhole array," Opt. Express 28, 22755-22766 (2020)

  4. Z. Wang,Guoqiang Lv , Q. Feng, A. Wang, and H. Ming, Dual-view holographic stereogram 3D display based on integral imaging. Optics Communications, 454, 124482(2020).

  5. Z. Wang,Guoqiang Lv ,Q. B. Feng, A. T. Wang, and H. Ming, "Resolution priority holographic stereogram based on integral imaging with enhanced depth range," Opt. Express 27, 2689-2702 (2019)

  6. Z. Wang,Guoqiang Lv , Q. Feng, A. Wang, and H. Ming, "Highly efficient calculation method for computer-generated holographic stereogram using a lookup table," Appl. Opt. 58, A41-A47 (2019)

  7. Z. Wang, R. S. Chen, X. Zhang, Guoqiang Lv , Q. B. Feng, Z. A. Hu, H. Ming, and A. T. Wang, “Resolution enhanced holographic stereogram based on integral imaging using moving array lenslet technique,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 113(22), 221109 (2018).

  8. Z. Wang, Guoqiang Lv , Q. Feng, A. Wang, and H. Ming, "Simple and fast calculation algorithm for computer-generated hologram based on integral imaging using look-up table," Opt. Express 26(10), 13322-13330 (2018).

  9. Z. Wang,Guoqiang Lv , Q. Feng, A. Wang, and H. Ming, A fast-direct pixel mapping algorithm for displaying orthoscopic 3D images with full control of display parameters. Optics Communications, 427, 528-534(2018).

  10. Z. Wang, P. Dai, Guoqiang Lv , Q. Feng, A. Wang, and H. Ming, Flat-panel see-through three-dimensional display based on integral imaging using a transparent polarized point light source array. IEEE Photonics Journal, 10(1), 1-7(2017).

